Giving to St. Thomas & St. Timothy School

Each and every contribution is greatly appreciated! Please view the list below for ways to contribute, or contact the Advancement office for more information:  STA Campus 860-236-6257 or STM Campus 862-236-0614.

Annual Fund

The Annual Fund helps to bridge the gap between tuition income and the actual cost of educating our students, and also contributes toward operational expenses. Please click here to give to our Annual Fund.

“Building Our Future” Capital Campaign

The “Building Our Future” Capital Campaign was established to help fund capital improvement projects at our churches and schools. Please click here to learn more or to make a donation.

Restricted Gifts

A restricted gift is given with the intention of supporting a specific activity or program at the school.  The school accepts such gifts with the promise that the funds will be used in accordance with the donor’s wishes.

Matching Gifts

Please contact your employer to see if they participate in a matching gift program, which could significantly increase the size of your gift to our school.

Commemorative Gifts

Individuals or groups can make a donation in honor or in memory of a special friend, teacher or family member. A card of recognition will be sent by the school to the person or family of the person you have honored. 

United Way Campaign

You can support St. Thomas & St. Timothy School through donations made to the United Way of the Capital Area Workplace Campaign.  Please use our United Way code:  AG2233 to ensure that your donation is sent to us.

Memorial Gifts

A great way to honor a family member or friend. Make checks payable to St. Thomas & St. Timothy School and mail to:

St. Thomas & St. Timothy School (St. Thomas Campus)
25 Dover Road
West Hartford, CT 06117


St. Thomas & St. Timothy School (St. Timothy Campus)
225 King Philip Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117