Support Services

Academic Support

Students determined eligible for Private School Service Plans may receive academic support during the school day. Please find an outline below explaining this process.

Students on Private School Service Plans are supported during the school year with targeted intervention as decided during a Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting. The Interventionist works through the PPT process with West Hartford Public Schools to support our students identified with learning differences.

The Process: Teachers will use benchmark and classroom assessments to monitor student growth and learning. Students not meeting benchmark targets will be provided differentiated instruction to help them find success. If a teacher suspects a child may need to be screened for special education services, they will work with the interventionist and parents to refer the student to West Hartford Public Schools for further evaluation.

Private School Service Plan (PSSP): Students who are found eligible for a PSSP will receive access to a stipend through West Hartford Public Schools which can be applied directly to school day support time with the Interventionist. A PSSP is created which includes a list of accommodations that will help the student to be a successful learner in the classroom. The plan also indicates the allotted time a student may receive support throughout the week.

School Counselors

School Counselors work with our teachers and students to support the social and emotional well being of our school community. From lunch bunches to small, social skills groups, students are supported throughout the school day. Our school counselors also offer monthly in-class lessons teaching concepts related to the Zones of Regulation. Our younger students also participate in lessons with the Kimochis characters, which help support communicating feelings across different situations.

Mental Health Crisis Plan Forms

Caregiver Acknowledgement Form

Youth Suicide Risk Screening Form

Personal Safety Plan